Agus L

Agus L


Tracks By Agus L

Limited amount of copies
Personalized certificate
Multiple secure payment methods
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Approved DJ download site
A Playlist Like No Other

No longer find yourself browsing through thousands of tracks released on music platforms every day. Take your DJ sets to the next level. Enhance your mixes by playing tracks chosen by record labels to be issued as special pre-release tracks.

Exclusive Limited Edition Pre-release Music

Every track on SetFreaks is limited to a certain amount of copies and only available for purchase for a limited time before the actual release. Amaze the crowd and your fellow DJs with your original sets full of high quality pre-release tracks from the best labels worldwide.

Licensed For You

Receive your own personalized certificate upon purchasing a track, which includes your name, a message from the artist or label and the copy you have secured.


About Agus L

Introduction: Meet Agus L

Agus L is a Spanish DJ and producer who has made a significant impact on the techno music scene. With his tracks played by renowned artists and released on major labels, Agus L has built a reputation for creating electrifying music that captures the essence of techno. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Agus L's background, his best tracks, and his work on the innovative SetFreaks platform.

The Journey of a Techno Prodigy

Hailing from Spain, Agus L has always had a deep passion for electronic music. His specialization in techno music has led to collaborations with esteemed artists like Acid Enigma and Bigtopo. His unique sound and exceptional talent have earned him a place on top record labels, including:

  • Reload Records
  • Solamente
  • Animarum Recordings
  • Redlof Records
  • Oscuro Music

Agus L's Top Tracks

Agus L has an impressive discography, with each track showcasing his distinct sound. Here are his two best tracks, which have gained acclaim from fans and critics alike:

  1. Start The Move (Reload Black Label) - This energetic track is a perfect example of Agus L's signature style, filled with driving beats and hypnotic rhythms.
  2. One Chance (Animarum Recordings) - Another standout from Agus L, One Chance showcases his ability to create captivating soundscapes that keep listeners hooked from start to finish.

Weekend Weapons: Agus L's DJ Set Essentials

Every DJ has their go-to tracks that never fail to ignite the dancefloor. Agus L's favorite weekend weapon is by the legendary artist Vitalic, whose music consistently delivers that extra punch needed to elevate a DJ set to new heights.

Behind the Scenes: Agus L's Studio Setup

Agus L's exceptional sound quality can be attributed to his well-chosen studio setup. His choice of DAW is Cubase, known for its powerful features and versatility. To ensure top-notch audio quality, Agus L uses the Apollo Twin Universal Audio interface, a popular choice among professional producers.

SetFreaks: Revolutionizing the Electronic Music Industry

SetFreaks is a groundbreaking platform that offers a fresh approach to releasing, collecting, and monetizing digital electronic music. By offering music as limited edition tracks, SetFreaks enables artists like Agus L to generate more buzz around their releases and shine the spotlight on their work.

As a DJ, playing tracks from SetFreaks can make your sets more exclusive, since you'll be spinning tracks that only a select few DJs have access to. This exclusivity not only benefits the DJs, but also helps the artists grow their fan base.

Final Thoughts: The Future of Agus L and SetFreaks

Agus L's dedication to his craft and relentless pursuit of innovation have led him to become a standout figure in the techno music scene. By working with SetFreaks, Agus L continues to push boundaries and offer his fans an unmatched experience.

As SetFreaks gains traction, the platform is poised to change the way electronic music is consumed and appreciated. For fans of Agus L and techno music enthusiasts, SetFreaks offers an unparalleled opportunity to discover exclusive tracks and support the artists they love. So, don't miss out on the chance to be part of this musical revolution – join SetFreaks today and experience the magic of Agus L's limited edition releases!