


Tracks By Subgate

It Should Be
It Should Be
Tømas Sinn, Subgate
SetFreaks Records
Sale Closed
Limited amount of copies
Personalized certificate
Multiple secure payment methods
AFEM is the trade association created to connect, and represent the common interests of, those companies and individuals whose business is Electronic Music. They are governed by a democratically elected Executive Board of our members and seek to advocate best practice for the genre.
Approved DJ download site
A Playlist Like No Other

No longer find yourself browsing through thousands of tracks released on music platforms every day. Take your DJ sets to the next level. Enhance your mixes by playing tracks chosen by record labels to be issued as special pre-release tracks.

Exclusive Limited Edition Pre-release Music

Every track on SetFreaks is limited to a certain amount of copies and only available for purchase for a limited time before the actual release. Amaze the crowd and your fellow DJs with your original sets full of high quality pre-release tracks from the best labels worldwide.

Licensed For You

Receive your own personalized certificate upon purchasing a track, which includes your name, a message from the artist or label and the copy you have secured.


About Subgate

Subgate: The Techno Titan Dominating the Dancefloor

If you're looking for someone who can consistently deliver techno beats that will get your heart racing and your feet moving, look no further than Subgate. Since he started his career in 2001, this Czech DJ has been making waves in the world of electronic music with his dynamic and uncompromising sound.

With his talent and dedication, Subgate quickly made a name for himself in northern Bohemia, becoming the resident DJ of the now legendary Liquid club. He then joined the Dynamic Line agency in 2003 and became a regular performer at the prestigious Shotgun Euro festival, known for its original concept.

Subgate continued to evolve as an artist, becoming more flexible in his musical style and appearing on the line-up for both minimal and techno events throughout the Czech Republic. He started his own resident night, Creative Party, and played at various high-profile events, including Vodafone's series of events at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, where he performed with Lexy & K Paul and X-Press 2.

As he gained more popularity, Subgate took his music to other parts of the world, playing at beach parties in Sri Lanka and at clubs in Switzerland and Costa Rica. He also continued to release new music, with EPs on labels like Harkee, One Way, FS rec, and UNT Rec.

With his success, it's no surprise that Subgate has built up a strong fanbase around the world, with a particularly strong following in Germany, the Czech Republic, and the United States. His music has also found a home in popular clubs like Chapeau Rouge, Roxy, Yes Club, Radost FX, and Distrikt.

SetFreaks: Where Exclusivity Meets Electronic Music

Now, with the help of SetFreaks, Subgate is taking his music to the next level. SetFreaks is a platform that offers a new approach to releasing, collecting, and monetizing digital electronic music. Instead of making all tracks widely available, SetFreaks offers music as limited edition tracks, building hype and exclusivity around each release.

For Subgate, this means he can take the spotlight on SetFreaks, with only a handful of other lucky DJs having access to his tracks. This not only gives him a platform to showcase his latest music, but it also helps him build his fanbase even further by making his sets more exclusive and sought-after.

SetFreaks is the perfect platform for Subgate's music, as it caters to his dedicated fanbase and offers a unique experience for electronic music enthusiasts. By releasing his music as limited edition tracks, Subgate is able to create a sense of exclusivity and excitement around each release, encouraging fans to snap up his music before it's gone.

For those who want to be in the know and have access to the latest and greatest electronic music, SetFreaks is the perfect platform. With Subgate on board, it's clear that SetFreaks is a platform that is committed to showcasing the best and most exclusive electronic music out there. So what are you waiting for? Get your hands on Subgate's latest limited edition tracks before they're gone!

Subgate's talent and dedication to his craft have earned him a well-deserved reputation as one of the most exciting and dynamic techno DJs around. With his exclusive releases on SetFreaks, Subgate is taking his music to the next level, showcasing his latest tracks to a dedicated fanbase and building hype and excitement around each release. For fans of electronic music, SetFreaks is the perfect platform to discover new and exclusive tracks, and with Subgate on board, you know you're getting the very best.


FAQs about Subgate

What has Subgate accomplished in his career?

Subgate has accomplished a lot in his career, including becoming a resident DJ at top clubs, performing at major festivals, releasing music on well-known record labels, and building a strong fanbase around the world.

What is Subgate’s fanbase like?

Subgate has a strong fanbase around the world, with a particularly strong following in Germany, the Czech Republic, and the United States.

What is SetFreaks and how is Subgate involved?

SetFreaks is a platform that offers a new approach to releasing, collecting, and monetizing digital electronic music. Subgate has released his music as limited edition tracks on SetFreaks, building hype and exclusivity around each release.

What festivals has Subgate performed at?

Subgate has performed at top festivals in the Czech Republic, such as Cosmic Trip, Summer of Love, High Jump, and Openfloor, as well as international festivals like Svojšice Festival and Cinda Open Air.

What clubs has Subgate performed at?

Subgate has performed at various clubs around the world, including Chapeau Rouge, Roxy, Yes Club, Radost FX, and Distrikt.

What record labels has Subgate released music on?

Subgate has released music on record labels such as Orange Recordings, Off Recordings, Airborne Black, and Prospect Records.

What are Subgate’s most popular tracks?

Subgate's most popular tracks include "Awakening (Original Mix)", "Rush Hour (Original Mix)", "Way Back Then (Original Mix)", "Addiction (Original Mix)", and "Hypes (Original Mix)".

What kind of music does Subgate produce?

Subgate produces techno music, with a flexible style that includes elements of minimal and tech-house.

Where is Subgate from and where does he usually perform?

Subgate is from the Czech Republic and has a strong following there, particularly in Prague. He also performs in other parts of the world, including Switzerland, Costa Rica, and Germany.

Who is Subgate and how did he get into music?

Subgate is a Czech DJ who started his career in 2001. He concentrated on a dynamic and uncompromising techno sound and quickly made a name for himself in northern Bohemia, becoming the resident DJ of the now legendary Liquid club.